After kickoff, our team began planning possible strategy ideas, not going into detail about the robot and its components. Yesterday, we bagan the process of creating designs that may be prototyped and built for our final robot. Today, this planning has continued, revising ideas and choosing the best plan of action. Prototyping has also began to take place, with ideas being tested and refined depending on how effective they are. We can't wait to see how our ideas work out!
Other decisions have been made as well. A drive train configuration has been selected, however, this is only one of the many decisions to come. There is even more news. One of head mentors, Mr. Milan, who has been with the team since the beginning, has earned the Texas Honorary Life PTA Award for his help with our team. Without Mr. Milan, we don't know where we would be. Thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do for our team! Comments are closed.
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