It has been quite a while since the First Robotics Competition had the Kickoff and parts of the robot are being built for practice and competition. Most prototyping has started to wind down and building of these parts has recently begun. Like they do every day, programmers and the build team continue to work effortlessly in getting the 2017 competition robot built, working, and functioning to the best of their abilities. Build season ends in about a month and there is no doubt that our Spartans of Team 4639 are going to succeed no matter the hardships that comes in our way.
It has been another week and our team is making fast progress on completing several aspects of our robot. Though there are still several parts being scrapped and redesigned, the overall progress is positive. The drive train has been built and is just about finished, all that’s left is to finish up the final components of the prototypes we currently have. As the build team works to complete these tasks, our programmers are hard at work to get key parts in working as they should. As testing take place and errors arise, Team 4639 continues to work hard to make our robot an accomplishment we can be proud of.
It has been one week since the FRC Kickoff for the upcoming First Steamworks competition and our team has been working diligently. On Kickoff day, multiple ideas were being tossed around in order to come up with a game plan for the competition, until finally a plan was settled upon. Then, around Monday, the team got to work on creating prototypes while volunteers worked hard on recreating the field. As the first week starts to come to a close, Team 4639, the RoboSpartans have no plans to slow down. It’s only a matter of weeks until competitions start and the Seven Lakes High School Robotics team will be more than ready.
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